Deep Time Walk (Wyndham Learning Festival)

This 4.6km Deep Time Walk is a transformative journey, led by Jess Fairfax, Werribee River Association’s Program Manager.

Guiding people through the 4.6 billion years of Earth history. The distance walked is used to explore the vast time scales and developments of our planet.

This is an immersive learning experience designed to encourage further thinking, reflection, emotional connection, positive action, and advocacy for a regenerative Earth.

The walk can take up to three hours, starting from Bicentennial Bridge, the entrance to Wyndham Park, off Comben Drive, Werribee.  The walking route will travel along the Werribee River.

Free but registrations essential via the Wyndham Learning Festival website: 

The concept for the Deep Time Walk was co-created by Dr. Stephan Harding, Deep Ecology Research Fellow at Schumacher College (England) and his MSc student, the geologist Sergio Maraschin in 2007 it is now delivered by thousands of community facilitators from Bali to Cape Town, New York to Melbourne.

  • Date : 07 Sep 2024
  • Time : 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Australia/Melbourne)
  • Venue : Meeting at Bicentennial Bridge, Wyndham Park


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