Volunteer With Us

From Landcare groups to clean ups, music festivals to fishing days, we have worked with over 400 volunteers to revegetate and clean-up the river and highlight the splendour of our local waterways. Please explore how you can get involved below, or contact admin@werribeeriver.org.au to find out how you can get involved. 

Clean Ups

The Werribee River Association can work with your business, school or organisation to run a clean up event along the river, or at a location near you.


Join one of our Landcare programs that run at three different locations including Cobbledick's Ford, Werribee River Park and along the Lower Werribee River. Regeneration work includes planting, weeding and mulching.


Throughout the year the Werribee River Association run a number of events including Paddle Days, walks, educational stalls and fishing days. We are always on the look out for helping hands to support our staff through setting up marquees, providing information to attendees, or dressing up as a platypus.