About Us

The Werribee River Association is an active community environmental organisation that is working with a growing and diverse community, particularly in education and engagement, to support communities to connect and protect the waterways of the west.
The Werribee River Association began in 1981, led by a group of vocal community members who were concerned about the degradation of the Werribee River. We have now grown into a small team of professionals, supported by hundreds of members and volunteers, and dozens of partners and stakeholders.
We work with the land and water managers to help build the biodiversity of the waterway ecosystem, and to support the iconic platypus – our emblem, featured in our logo.
The Werribee River and our western waterways are under great stress, with litter, poor quality stormwater and low flows compounding difficulties for our endangered platypus, and making life less pleasant for our growing human population which depend on our waterways for much of their walking and outdoor life. People are being asked to tolerate higher impacts on their comfort, health and their environment – rainfall is decreasing, days are growing hotter, wildlife are suffering. We need a better future.
WRA Media Release, Joint statement on the Central and Gippsland Sustainable Water Strategy July 2021
Each and every day, we work to connect people to protect our environment.
To read about the history of the Association, please check out our history book. Please download your free copy.