Friends of Werribee River Park

Friends of Werribee River Park is a monthly Landcare group that operates on the 3rd Saturday of the month April to September, and undertakes activities such as planting, weeding and mulching, to assist in restoring the park and increasing habitat and biodiversity along the Werribee River.
Werribee River Regional Park, located in Cocoroc, on the western side of the Princes Highway, is 280 hectares, placed along 8 kilometres of Werribee River frontage, that backs onto the Western Treatment Plant.
Volunteers for this group are advised to check in with our Regeneration Officer before attending. Parks Victoria, the land managers, do require a Working with Children Check, and inclusion on the Parks Connect portal when you volunteer with us here. Plus, we need to keep everyone advised regarding an access and/or specific working locations within the park.
We are very keen to have you involved, so please contact Maryann Weatherill to register your interest. Groups most welcome to get involved.