Save Our Soils Water Watch

As part of our Save Our Soils project, we are running monthly water quality testing in Werribee South. Join us on the 4th Tuesday of the month to analyse the quality of water flowing from the farms via three drain outlets into the river. We test for pH, nitrate and phosphorus levels and turbidity, building a significant data set from this testing that supports our advocacy work.

Save Our Soils aims to increase the efficiency of the market gardens, while improving river and waterway health. Soil can run off farms due to irrigation and rain, taking with it, sediment, pesticides and nutrients. Not only is this inefficient for farmers, who have to keep replacing what is gone, but the runoff into the river effects the health of our waterways.

The project combines water-quality monitoring with revegetation along the river’s edge. Through the revegetation of these areas, the movement of runoff is slowed, allowing excess surface water to penetrate the soil. The root systems of plants also aid in keeping soil bound together, stabilising embankments and slopes, which limits the risk of landslides. In addition to the monthly water watch testing, we have installed two Bio2Lab sensors in the river, providing real time data on water quality and the impact of the revegetation.

Through collaboration and regeneration, we can work together to improve the productivity of our farms and the health of our local waterways and communities.

Please register to receive access information.

  • Date : 28 Nov 2023
  • Time : 9:30 am (Australia/Melbourne)
  • Venue : Werribee South

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$ 0.00


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