Volunteer at Werribee River Park – CANCELLED

Maybe some of your have been following the news, or seen the traffic in and around Werribee – but unfortunately a crane has hit the Farm Rd bridge into Werribee River Park. We have just received a call to say that access to the park can not be granted until it has been properly assessed.

We may not have public access to the park for the rest of the year.

Sorry for late notice and all, but tomorrow’s final planting day at Werribee River Park has been cancelled.


Werribee River Regional Park, located in Cocoroc, on the western side of the Princes Highway, is a massive 280 hectares parkland. It is placed along 8 kilometres of Werribee River frontage, that backs onto the Western Treatment Plant on the eastern side, and adjacent to the formal grounds of the former Chirnside mansion and Werribee Open Range Zoo. 

The area became part of the Parks Victoria estate in 2006, prompting restoration of its pre-colonial vegetation, including plantings appropriate for floodplain and grassland ecosystems. 

Since 2015, Werribee River Association has conducted regular plantings of indigenous species. This includes the tree line on the upper escarpment, the floodplains, and the riparian strip from the picnic area to the ford.

This site is also the area for some significant plantings as part of the More trees for a Cooler Greener West program, supported by the Victorian Government.

Friends of Werribee River Park is a monthly Landcare group that operates April to September, and undertakes activities such as planting, weeding and mulching, to assist in restoring the park and increasing habitat and biodiversity along the Werribee River.

Volunteers for this group are advised to check in with our Regeneration Officer before attending. Parks Victoria, the land managers, do require a Working with Children Check, and inclusion on the Parks Connect portal when you volunteer with us here. Plus, we need to keep everyone advised regarding an access and/or specific working locations within the park.

We are very keen to have you involved, so please contact Maryann Weatherill to register your interest. Groups most welcome to get involved.

Program queries  maryann.weatherill@werribeeriver.org.au

How to get there?
Main Drive, Cocoroc. The Werribee River Park entrance is via Farm Road, Werribee. Follow the road over the Princes Freeway, turn left at the end of the sealed road. Follow the dirt road that ends in a carpark. 

Due to extensive work around this site, please contact Maryann before attending. 

What to bring?
All participants are asked to wear appropriate clothing and footwear, be sun smart, and BYO drink bottle. 

Follow us on Facebook 

Check out the Werribee River Guide’s description of this location 

  • Date : 16 Sep 2023
  • Time : 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Australia/Melbourne)
  • Venue : Werribee River Park, Main Drive, Cocoroc

Purchase Ticket

Conservation Volunteer ( Unlimited tickets)
$ 0
$ 0.00


Werribee River Association

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