Water Watch and Bungey’s Holes

Waterwatch is a citizen science program for monitoring waterway health. Come join the Werribee Riverkeeper and other citizen scientists at this monthly water testing program at Bungey’s Hole.
These water quality tests are monitoring seven parameters in the water: temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, pH, nitrate, phosphorus and turbidity. These parameters are useful indicators of the ecological health of a waterway.
No bookings required. Please note that if we have poor weather, the session may be cancelled.
9am – 10am, on the 1st Saturday of the month, at Bungey’s Hole. A citizen science program initiative of Melbourne Water.
Bungey’s Hole is a part of the Werribee River, behind the Werribee Anglers Club, Chirnside Park, Werribee, along the wonderful Werribee River Trail.
Inquiries John Forrester, Werribee Riverkeeper admin@werribeeriver.org.au