Climate Change

Climate change affects us all. Our actions to support a real response include:
Leading community calls for Melbourne Water to become waterway manager for the west of Melbourne 1995 – 2005
Continuing calls for improved environmental flows for the Werribee River 1995 – ongoing
Submitting comment to various State Government sustainability water strategies 2003 – ongoing
Submitting comment to various Regional Catchment Strategies 2003 – ongoing
Contributing to the City of Wyndham Coastal Strategies and management Plans 2011 – 2021
Contributing advice and technical assistance to the Victorian Commissioner for Sustainability State of the Environment Biodiversity Reports 2016 – 2021
Joint advocacy leader gaining Waterways of the West initiative from State Government 2017 – 2021
Call for the protection of Werribee River headwaters in the Central West Forests 2018 – 2021
We also partner with others to join the protest against inaction.
Let’s work together to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change – for nature and human health.
Additionally, WRA welcomes partnerships with universities, students, and interested agencies to further our work and commitment to real action and research on climate change.