Yarra River Action Plan

The Yarra River Protection (Willip-gin Birrarung Murron) Bill 2017 identifies the Yarra River and the many hundreds of parcels of public land it flows through as one living, integrated natural entity for protection and improvement.
1. Expanding the model across Melbourne
Yarra River Action Plan RECOMMENDATION 17
Expand the Yarra model to protect other major Melbourne rivers and their open spaces such as the Maribyrnong and Werribee rivers.
RESPONSE: Adopt in full
Yarra River Action Plan RECOMMENDATION 18
In recognition of the importance of green open spaces, waterways, coasts and bays to the liveability and ecological health of Melbourne, establish a joint Taskforce reporting to the DELWP Secretary that brings together the skills of DELWP, Melbourne Water, Parks Victoria and local government:
- Investigate the potential benefits of combining waterway management, open space, bay and coastal management for greater Melbourne.
- Develop an integrated vision and strategy for Melbourne’s waterways, open spaces, coasts and bays to improve Melbourne’s liveability and ecological health.
- Establish ongoing collaborative governance arrangements between DELWP, Traditional Owners, Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water and local government to:
- deliver the integrated vision and strategy
- synergise delivery of related projects from the Water Plan, Plan Melbourne, Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Yarra MAC recommendations
- establish long-term funding arrangements
- identify the preferred open space footprint of Melbourne’s key waterways and in particular those under sustained growth pressure (e.g. Werribee River) and plan to secure this.
- Report to the Victorian Government on an improved integrated institutional model by December 2017.
RESPONSE: Adopt in full
2. Strategic Action
WRivA is working with Friends of Steele Creek (tributary of Maribyrnong River) & Environmental Justice Australia on the expansion of the Yarra model. This work will hopefully involve research onto the management of waterways in Melbourne’s west, an educational program for community and a publication to use for advocacy for waterways of the west.
3. Local Action
WRivA will continue its call for the creation of a linear park along the length of the Werribee River.
WRivA will continue its call for the major implementation of the Werribee River Biolink.