A couple of our staff took a trip to the tip (Refuse Disposal Facility) in Werribee with Joe from the Wyndham Repair Cafe. It was an insightful tour, getting to see where the contents of our rubbish bins end up, and learning about how the facility is working to reduce emissions and recover materials for recycling.
Check out the video we made which hopefully gives you some insight, and some ideas about how to reduce what you send to landfill.
Some points:
The Refuse Disposal Facility (RDF) is located on West’s Road in Werribee and takes waste from many parts of Melbourne. It accepts about 270,000 tonnes of rubbish each year.
 Wyndham residents receive a tip pass on their rates notice that allows them to visit free of charge
You can drop off e-waste, paint tins, cardboard, LED lights and scrap metal free of charge
Within the capped off areas of the tip, methane is captured and used to power the tip and nearby housing estates
The RDF has future plans to sort and bail the waste within a closed facility. This will reduce odour, dust and litter and seperate valuable resources from the waste.