The Werribee River Association launched their Waste-Free Wyndham Map at the inaugural River FEST on Sunday September 24. As prominent feature of the War on Waste Space, the map sparked many conversations around the benefits of community swaps, repair cafes and toy, tool and seed libraries. Many attendees were unaware of the initiatives happening in their neighbourhood and now excited to attend. We hope the map also sparks new projects, such as regular clothes swaps.
Repair cafes, swaps and share libraries help us reduce what we buy, and send to landfill, while fostering resilient and connected communities through providing a space for us to come together. Many of the swaps end with a shared morning tea. There is significant research to show that when we know our neighbours we are much more resilient in the face of shocks such as pandemics, and climate related disasters. Connectedness is, of course, also helpful in reducing social isolation and loneliness.
We are happy to support these wonderful community and volunteer led initiatives, creating strong communities that care for our local environment and waterways.
You are free to download and distribute the map as you wish. To notify of us of a change, or addition, please contact