As one of the fastest growing municipalities, Wyndham City Council prepared a draft Wyndham Housing and Neighbourhood Character Strategy 2023 to guide housing change across the municipality, and respond to this growth. The draft Strategy aims to influence the location and design of new housing, to help ensure that new homes are well-located and enhance the character of Wyndham’s unique neighbourhoods.
Presented for public exhibition and feedback, the Werribee River Association provided a response, highlighting the importance of ensuring ambition and leadership in implementing principle 4 of the strategy: Protecting our Natural Environment.
The submission noted the impacts on the community if this principle is negated. There will be financial costs from the need to cool homes, discomfort in living conditions in homes and when outdoors, and a loss for future generations when habitats and wildlife are reduced due to effects of heat and drying due to climate change.
The submission noted the need fore more adequate canopy cover through using climate appropriate species and improved planting styles that move away from dense and narrow beds that offer little shade or windbreaks.
The submission also noted the increased neighbourhood character value our rivers and waterways provide. Real estate agents often use the river to attract buyers to properties they place on the market.
The submission calls for the recognition of the environmental, ecological and economic significance of our waterways and notes that the principle of protecting our natural environment above, or at least as importantly as all others is vital. It will ensure we have a more economical, sustainable, healthy and comfortable future for the community.