Advocating for Regeneration

WRA participates in regeneration work which improves and creates corridors and habitat for wildlife, while enhancing liveability outcomes for the growing human population of the west.
Our Naturewatch project, funded by Melbourne Water, sets out a range of actions to work towards a healthy Werribee River, and other waterways within the catchment, by 2070.
Werribee River Biolink Action Plan, developed in 2010-12, sets a 50-year vision to work towards a resilient, biodiverse and healthy catchment, encouraging rehabilitation works to link fragmented habitat, create corridors and mitigate threatening processes.
Read on Werribee River Biolink Action Plan Part One and Part Two

The Victorian Government has released the Waterways of the West Action Plan in response to the recommendations of the Waterways of the West Ministerial Advisory Committee and the Waterways of the West Community Vision.
The plan aims to ensure Melbourne’s western waterways are healthy and thriving for generations to come. It will drive enduring protection for waterways and their parklands by addressing waterway pollution, waterway amenity and stronger land use planning and development controls and standards to guard against inappropriate development.