Friends of Cobbledicks Ford Conservation Group – April

Cobbledicks Ford conservation activities occur on the 2nd Friday of the month between 10am – 12noon. All welcome to get involved in activities that include litter clean up, weeding, maintenance, plantings and watering.
It is a social and educational environment that we arrange in partnership with the land managers, Wyndham Council. To participate, we do need you to sign and agree to our sponsor’s safety protocols.
To get involved, you really just need to turn up, wear suitable clothing, footwear and be sun smart. BYO water bottle and own gloves. Tools provided.
Light refreshments to follow.
Cobbledicks is a beautiful part of the Werribee River. A historic site and a biodiversity hot spot. If you haven’t been, it is well worth the trip, and the conservation works are really having a positive impact on the water quality and wildlife. Join Us!!