Garden Blitz and Clean-up at Werribee Train Station

UPDATE – Today’s event is cancelled due to rain!
We are spreading a little love to the Werribee Train Station precinct on Saturday 2 December, 10am – 12noon – working around the lower end in the carpark off Manly Street.
Since around 2019, community volunteers have conducted garden blitz’s to extend and maintain the plantings. Some of our achievement have been planting out a barrier of trees and shrubs to prevent litter blowing into the Werribee River, that borders along the train station car park.
At this blitz, we’ll tackle some weeding, mulching, and litter removal – and if you have some hardy cuttings, feel welcome to bring along too, as they may be suitable to plant.
Community volunteers are welcome to lend a hand, and join with volunteers from Love Our Street 3030 – Werribee, Werribee River Association and Dreambuilders Centre 4 Change.
BYO gloves and wear appropriately clothing. Cuppa and cake to follow.