Waterwatch at Bungey’s Hole – March

Waterwatch is a citizen science program for monitoring waterway health. Come join the Werribee Riverkeeper and other citizen scientists at this monthly water testing program at Bungey’s Hole.
WHEN: 1st Saturday of the month
TIME: 9am – 10am
WHERE: Bungey’s Hole, on the Werribee River, behind the Werribee District
Angler’s Club, Chirnside Park precinct.
These water quality tests are monitoring seven parameters in the water: temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, pH, nitrates, phosphorus and turbidity. These parameters are useful indicators of the ecological health of a waterway.
Please email us if you are able to join the Waterwatch activities at Bungies, allow a few days for our team to confirm.
riverkeeper@werribeeriver.org.au or admin@werribeeriver.org.au
Dates for 2024 – 6 Jan, 3 Feb, 2 Mar, 6 April, 4 May, 1 June, 6 July, 3 Aug, 7 Sept, 5 Oct, 2 Nov, 7 Dec