Wyndham Waste Alliance: From Consumer to Citizen

The Wyndham Waste Alliance is an initiative that aims to build the skills, networks and capacity of local Wyndham residents to tackle the waste crisis. Building on the work of our Litter Blitz groups, the Alliance aims to address the crisis at a strategic level, advocating for change and action from local and state governments and businesses.
The Alliance meets the fourth Thursday of the month at the Westend Business Hub in Watton Street, Werribee and is always open to new members joining. Each session will include a presentation and/or workshop from a guest presenter, followed by an open discussion on the progress of the group’s objectives and priority areas for action.
The next event will take place on Thursday July 27, 6:30pm for a 7pm start. We will host an “In Conversation” session with Werribee Riverkeeper John Forrester. We will hear about his experience advocating for healthy waterways over the years, learn strategies and techniques to push for change, and work on our own collective action campaign.
Bring a small plate to share for dinner.
For more info contact jess.fairfax@werribeeriver.org.au
Please note the Westend Business Hub is not an accessible venue. Please contact Jess to arrange attendance via zoom.